Monday 9 December 2013

Day 1

After much debating I finally decided today would be the day I started my Roaccutane treatment...but before we get into that, heres a little bit of my skin-related background

I'm now fast approaching 17, and have had quite severe acne on my face, chest and back since I was 12. During these past 5 gruelling years I have tried any treatment under the sun from cutting out greasy foods for 4 months, drugstore treatments like Clearasil and Freederm and even prescribed creams from the doctor BUT nothing seemed to work.
Around a month ago I went to visit a dermatologist who, after weighing out all the options, decided Roaccutane would be the best option for me. She went into a lot of detail about the possible side affects and gave my some time to think it over.
I got my blood test done and had a pregnancy test as getting pregnant on Roaccutane can cause horrific problems to the baby. Each test came back clear, all I needed to do now was decide if it was the right treatment for me.
I watched many youtube videos on peoples experiences with the drug and did a lot of research into the likelihood of each side affect taking place.
I'm not going to lie to terrified me. I've never had a history of depression, in fact I hardly ever feel upset (especially around christmas) but I have been prone to dizziness and occasionally fainting so the idea of that possibly increasing really freaked me out.
I got back in touch with my dermatologist who told me it was common for fears to arise and that there were other options but she felt I would get the most success and less scarring if I used Roaccutane.
I then decided to focus my research not on the process itself but the outcomes...WOW. Peoples skin looked flawless, something I had always desired, so I decided to give it a go...

...which brings us back to today, the 9th December 2013. I took my tablet this morning after breakfast, rather hesitantly I must add, and then headed off for school.
During the day no significant side affects kicked in at all, not that I expected them too after one tablet. Around halfway through the day I felt incredibly drowsy but that is common for me on a monday (especially after double maths). The only strange thing I have noticed is occasionally my skin on my head and arms feels itchy, whether thats common or not I can't say, but apart from that everything seemed normal. I know its defiantly to early to speak but so far so good...we'll just have to see what happens over the next few months.

If anyone else is just starting the treatment like me, hesitant to start or already well into the process let me know! I'm also open for any useful tips or 'must-haves' to get me through, topics I will be posting on when I discover answers to them.
we'll just have to see what tomorrow brings (in a dream world..perfect skin instantly!)

Emma :)